Please follow the directions below to receive your Groupon Voucher.
- Please click on the above link for your show location and to complete your order.
- Click on “Purchase Here”
- Select the date and time that you would like to visit.
- Next page – scroll down to choose either the General Admission ticket or the Run Run Dasher VIP – whichever you have purchased through Groupon and select 1.
- Then next.
- Add merch here if you prefer or go to next page.
- Your summary will be here.
- And there’s a section that asks for promo code…
- That’s where you enter the voucher and your ticket will be discounted. Do not back up or your code will become void. *YOUR GROUPON VOUCHER WILL START WITH THE LETTERS “GRP”
- Finalize your order with the checkout.
You will receive a QR code via email for presenting to our attendants upon entering the show.
Your reservation is now confirmed. You will receive a QR code via email for presenting to our attendants upon entering the show.
For our Houston/Humble location – Dasher’s Lightshow at Winterland
- Please click on the above link to purchase your vehicle registration and complete your order.
- Click on Red button PURCHASE TICKETS HERE
- Select the date that you would like to visit Winterland. (This is not the drive thru)
- Next page – Choose 1 vehicle registration (or if you are bringing more than one car). *Space is limited – therefore, this reservation helps our team to monitor sales for each date.
- Select the bundle that you have purchased from Groupon. *Only 1 voucher can be entered for each transaction. Max. of 2 vouchers per person. Each of your party will need a general admission ticket. Additional tokens may be purchased onsite if needed.
- And next.
- Add merch here if you prefer or go to next page. Be sure you have your “vehicle registration.”
- Your summary will be here.
- There’s a section that asks for promo code - That’s where you enter the voucher and your ticket will be discounted. Do not back up or your code will become void. *YOUR GROUPON VOUCHER WILL START WITH THE LETTERS “GRP”
- Finalize your order with the checkout.
You will receive a QR code via email for presenting to our attendants upon entering the show.